Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Florida Marlins Cheerleader and the men who loved her...

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Name Game...

This picture was taken on our way back to Orlando. We were playing a stupid name game. We played it for like a whole hour. Steven studied for most of the time...

Little Havana...

Junito took this picture of me after we were done eating. Take a look at the necklace that Steven bought me at Wet Seal. It is sooo cool.
As we were leaving, I took this picture outside of the restaurant...

Steven's ear was itching and he asked me to scratch it. Yummy!!!
Mami and I. Go Cubbies.

Thursday, July 14, 2005



The matching shirt couple. Don't you hate those kind of people?

1 big happy family...

Pro Player stadium...

They are so excited...

Raindrops falling on my head...

Jose and Junito...

I'm too sexy for my shirt...

HOSE-A thinks he's the king of the world...

Go Cubs!!!

Play ball...

Cubs vs. Marlins

Pro Player stadium...

This picture was taken outside of Pro Player Stadium in Miami, FL. From left to right we have Junito, Frances, Mom, and Jose. Notice that everybody is wearing a Cubs shirt except for Jose.